A review by liberrydude
Iron River by T. Jefferson Parker


Iron River refers to the river of iron or guns headed south to Mexico. It's particulary relevant given the flawed ATF Operation Fast and Furious in the news this past week. I'd read the other three books in this series, this being number three, I'd known some of the events in this book. A good but unbelievable read. Found it a little far fetched with Hood going into Mexico twice to get a fellow agent. The agent is kidnapped from the US because a drug kingpin's son is accidently killed in a shootout. Hood rescues him in Baja Sur. Then the agent is kidnapped again from a US hospital by a bus of cartel commandoes! Hood goes south, this time all the way to San Luis Potosi and pays a ransom to a narcoficante. Meanwhile the gun shop in Costa Mesa is cranking out more guns while a guy who could be the devil sits in the same hospital the ATF agent was whisked away from by the cartel. It's a little weird at times but Charlie Hood is a compelling character.