A review by kadomi
First Shift: Legacy by Hugh Howey


In this prequel to the Wool Omnibus, we finally learn about the disaster that caused the creation of the silos. We get two points of view. Donald, a congressman and architect, who gets charged with designing a bunker for a nuclear waste facility in Atlanta. 60 years later, the second point of view is Troy, the leader of silo 1, woken up from cryo-freeze to work his first shift and preserve the legacy. In flashbacks and memories we find out what happened, how the book of order came about, and even get a hint of something going on at silo 18. The end is a whopping cliffhanger, that simply makes me want more more more.

Again, the writing is quite excellent, the characters are interesting, and the atmosphere is full of doom and gloom. If I have a complaint about the story, it's that I still don't fully understand what exactly turned the land outside into the wasteland that it is now. I simply know more, but I am just not sure.

People who have read the Wool Omnibus and enjoyed it, simply must buy this prequel and read it. Pricetag's a bit heftier at 3.79 USD, but it's definitely worth it.