A review by laila4343
Apex Hides the Hurt by Colson Whitehead


Colson Whitehead is so damn smart. Maybe too smart for me sometimes. But I want to read everything he's written, because he challenges me. A nameless "nomenclature consultant" with a limp who's had a bit of a mental breakdown is hired to help rebrand the ton of Winthrop. He is wooed by the three city council members: a wacky descendant of the original Winthrop, a descendant of one of the original black settlers, and a wealthy businessman who wants to bring jobs and rename it New Prospera. Our nameless hero drinks and muses and also has a very funny duel of sorts with the hotel's cleaning woman over the state of his room. We learn about what lead to his breakdown and leaving his old job, where he was previously very successful. It's a very clever, cerebral novel. I didn't love it, but I appreciated it.