A review by toeffy
The Anxiety Toolkit: Strategies for Fine-Tuning Your Mind and Moving Past Your Stuck Points by Alice Boyes


A valuable and well-reasearched resource

It took me ages to get through The Anxiety Toolkit, but this is entirely not the book's fault. My recollection of the first half is a bit hazy, but I don't think there was a huge change in quality throughout.

This book is therapy in writing and I loved it. As a psychology major myself and as someone who went through 2 years of cognitive behavioral therapy, let me tell you - this is it. This is exactly what you get in therapy, condensed to a readable minimum. There's no "water" here, no useless motivational blah, you have descriptions of problematic behaviors and hands-on approaches to working on them.

It might be too straight forward for some, not motivational enough for others, maybe too much for people who are just starting to scratch the surface of their issues.

One thing I missed was an overview of all the exercises and tools - they were distributed throughout the book and embedded in the text, so to find a specific one you'd need to search quite a bit. That's pretty much the only issue I have with The Anxiety Toolkit.

Overall, for me personally that was a good book to stop digging through my issues for now and to focus on my strengths instead.