A review by lassarina
Cast in Honor by Michelle Sagara West, Michelle Sagara


I really liked how this book cycled back to earlier parts of the series, echoing Kaylin's life through Kattea. I also really liked Gilbert as a character and as a concept, and the dimensions he brought to both Kaylin's power and the shape of the story. I particularly liked the tie-backs to the link between Shadow and time, and how those things impacted Kaylin and were described. Also, a delightful opportunity to get to know more Hawks!

One thing I do keep kind of laughing to myself about is that for the Barrani and Dragons, accustomed to lots of life just kind of going by in a blur of days they don't really live, having this infinite chaos of Kaylin in their lives must be amazing. So many crises! So much to track and pay attention to, at a very different pace than they are used to!