A review by wyrmbergmalcolm
Aliens vs. Predator vs. the Terminator by Mark Schultz, Mel Rubi


Considering how hard it was to get hold of a copy, this was a bit of a disappointment. There were some great ideas in here, but they were bogged down by the Predator aspect. This story would have been more streamlined if it were just Aliens versus The Terminator. The Predators have no real reason to be there and don't really do anything meaningful while they are. The other aspect that really got under my skin was the fact that the characters insisted on calling the aliens "Linguafoeda acheronsis" or just "Linguafoeda" for short. This term has not been used anywhere else in the Alien universe and really irritated me that they kept on using it. I did some research and found that technically they're not even supposed to be called Xenomorphs as that's just a generic term for a strange alien thing. Call them bugs, creatures, monsters, etc. but not "Linguafoeda" in casual conversation.
This was set post Alien Resurrection so features Call and Alien hybrid Ripley, but neither were really well utilised. There was a great scene near the end when Ripley is hiding in the pipework of the shuttle stalking the Terminator in a fun reversal of roles from the original film.
In the end this felt more like a missed opportunity than a clash between three titans of comic and screen.