A review by julesthebookdragon417
Saturn Apartments, Volume 1 by Hisae Iwaoka


This was among my first forays into manga, and so far it's not like any others I've read. This is a character-driven story, and could probably be classified as slice-of-life. Each chapter gives us a glimpse into the life of someone living within the highly stratified society of the Saturn Apartments. Our protagonist is finding his place within that society, having just graduated from school and taken up the same job his father once held, and in doing so he's having some big thoughts about whether he matters in the grander scheme of the world.

The phrase that came to mind as I was reading this was, "it's bigger on the inside!" The story-telling can be so slow and quiet at times, and that feels almost like nothing is "happening." But then we realize there are cracks forming, and through them the inner worlds of the various Saturn Apartments residents shine through. We don't see the whole picture, but we get the hint that it's there, its glow peering out through the fissures our protagonist comes across.

Know what you're getting when you go into this. If you go in with the right expectations, hopefully you can enjoy this quiet, thoughtful world.