A review by nabenn67
Outcast by Cheryl Brooks


3.5 overall, but a range from 2.5 - 4.0 if looking at only individual parts of the book.

This was a freebie on the Kindle, and though it was book #4 in the series you didn't need to read the others as long as you took the secondary characters for what they were. When I read the Prologue and you immediately jump into the sex-slave action I thought "Oh boy, here is a book that is all sex and no story". Not that I am opposed to sex in my romance novels -- not at all -- but just like any book I want to have a good plot and characters I care about. The plot was okay but I really enjoyed Bonnie and Lynx.

I thought their character development was great; though you can't really relate to Lynx's backstory (at least I hope not!) I think we can all relate to having severe emotional scarring from bad relationships in the past. I like how the characters were both emotionally damaged and had to work at coming together; how it took time for them to overcome the obstacles, even if I thought Bonnie fell in love too fast -- but apparently that is how it is with the men on the planet that Lynx is from.

What I didn't like was the dialogue. Some was okay, but other sections it felt jarring and out of sync with the flow of the story. I also agree with another reviewer that commented on the sex scenes involving people other than Bonnie and Lynx. This was their story and the other characters should have been secondary.