A review by the_jesus_fandom
Mam'zelle Guillotine by Baroness Orczy


Ayo it's been sooo long since I read this thankfully I made notes.

- The backstory of the main villain is actually kinda tragic but not as tragic as some reviewers are making it out to be. Personally, I think the first part where she went really wrong was when she didn't destroy the letters after being paid. I mean, I'm also against blackmail, but I got it. Not destroying the letters, though? Scumbag move.
- The author actually agrees that the way the villainesses (?) fate is sealed is terrible.
- We find out where Percy and Marguerite met! At the beginning of the revolution. Which makes Percy's statement in some earlier book that he mistreated her 'for years' kinda weird.
- The Prince of Whales is said to know who the SP is and I'm just wondering... how inaccurately does the author want to portray this historical character cause shes doing a great job
- Percy complaining about having to listen to people talk about the SP lol
- Percy has such a onetrack mind like bro stop ignoring people
- I like how Percy is actually excited that this week's villain is a woman, because 'woman have sharper vision than men'.
- Of course, the woman ends up being a man in a woman's body but whatever. Like, she is described so rudely I felt bad.
- How many times do you have to reiterate that her father is a regicide? We get it already
- Chauvelin really
Spoilermesses up everyone’s plans with his smart strategies. My dude just kill the prisoners already. None of these books would end well for Percy if Chauvelin just killed people the moment he had them instead of using them as bait in some elaborate trap.

- The obligatory rude comments about anyone not in Mrs. Orczy’s class and the deification of any noble person
- Listen. Say what you want, but snarky
Spoiler Percy in disguise? I kinda loved him ngl, I was mad it was just Percy in disguise cause finally we had a fun character. I fr shipped Gabrielle and Andre, sue me. At least, until they started simpering at each other, that was gross.

Spoiler PERCY KISSED ANOTHER WOMAN????? I don’t even care that it was for the mission, that’s not only super disrespectful to the woman he was fooling (yes I know she’s a villain who cares, don’t do that) but also to his wife. You couldn’t have found any other way to get into her good books?