A review by garnetofeden
Betrayal by John Peel


Character comments:
In my opinion, Inspector Shimoda doesn't come across as the sharpest tool in the shed/brightest crayon in the box (or however you want to say it).

Science query:
SpoilerWhen Tristan is flying to the space station, the pilot says that each emergency escape pod, which holds ten people, has twelve hours of air (pg. 129). Is that twelve hours of air assuming the pod is at full capacity? Because fewer people would use less air, and so the air in the pod would last longer than twelve hours. If, of course, they took an any extra people beyond the ten, there would be less than the twelve hours of air. Yes, I'm a science nerd for even thinking about that.

Random thoughts/questions:
1) If everyone attends work and school through virtual reality rather than being physically present, I would have expected there to be more people with weight trouble (think WALL-E). How is this avoided?
SpoilerAlthough it is established that society has gone paperless as far as books are concerned (pg. 109), when Genia arrives at the prison, the following exchange occurs:
"Keep on irritating me, and I'll decide you don't need toilet paper, either."
"Paper?" Genia rolled her eyes. "This place must be really primitive."
(pg. 117)
So my question is... what do they use/do instead of toilet paper?

Rating reviewed 1/28/2023.