A review by mindfullibrarian
The Widow of Wall Street by Randy Susan Meyers


2 stars for the story, 1 star for the amazing cover art, since that's what pushed me to use one of my Audible credits on this book (which I was hoping would be a kind of wife's fictional retelling of The Wolf of Wall Street with all of the drama that story entailed). I know I am in the minority in my opinion of this book, so please take that into account. I struggled so much to connect with a single character in this book (the closest I could come is Jake and Phoebe's daughter Kate) and I honestly think I might just not have enough money to have an iota of sympathy for Jake OR Phoebe in this story.

It was a depressing book for me, with no humor to cut the bitterness of the story or cultural significance to merit such a dire retelling since this story in no way helped me understand why evils on Wall Street were perpetrated beyond the evilness and callousness of mankind. Perhaps that was the point? If so, I'm now convinced of this. As for the "for better or worse" part of marriage storyline, another thing I simply couldn't understand.

I will definitely try another title from this author in the future to get another view of her work, and hats off to the cover artist for selling me on this book!