A review by lenny9987
The Forgers by Bradford Morrow


Anyone who has ever seen my bedroom knows that I am a bibliophile. I can’t afford to be a picky bibliophile, looking for rare editions or signed copies of famous titles by famous authors, but I completely understand the urge to collect at that level. Bradford Morrow’s upcoming The Forgers delves into the world of rare booksellers and buyers but through the eyes of Will, a semi-reformed forger. With so much money, prestige, and reputation at stake, the idea that there are people out there who would kill or maim over authenticity is believable and Will’s narration of his experiences is engaging and will make you look twice the next time you sign your name.

The book opens with the death of the narrator’s girlfriend’s brother. After suffering a damaging blow to the head and the separation of both hands from his body, Adam Diehl dies before he can give any clues as to who is behind the attack. But the documents and rare editions, many signed by notable authors, show that Adam was involved in more than just trading difficult to find books. The world of forgery is one that Will knows all too well having been exposed early in his relationship with Meghan, the victim’s sister. Tracing Will’s efforts to move on with Meghan after her brother’s death, someone else seems keen on dragging Will’s past back into the present. But just who is the man behind the threats and how dangerous is he?

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