A review by bethreadsandnaps
What My Mother Gave Me: Thirty-One Women on the Gifts That Mattered Most by Elizabeth Benedict


I read this as part of this year's challenge (book with a metallic cover).

I liked that there was some uniqueness in each of these, as the contributing authors had an assortment of mother-daughter relationships to reflect on. There are 31 contributors, and it's a relatively short book, which tells you that these are very short.

I went into this thinking it would be like a Chicken Soup for the Soul type of book (after all: the cover), and it wasn't. Some stories were more esoteric, some involved pain, and others might be closer to what you would expect. I liked that it wasn't going for the sappiness...although a few are.

I think my dilemma was that almost all of the stories immediately vanished from my brain. I remember a few of the stories, and those are of authors I have read. I hadn't heard of most of these authors, and most of the stories were so short that I didn't form an attachment. Maybe fewer but longer pieces would have remedied this? Or it's merely my problem.