A review by urbansapphire
Denial by Peter James


I read this not long after it was first published and then picked it up again recently when I saw it in Asda for a bargainous £1! PJ is one of my favourite authors and this book is no exception.

As usual his villain is completely mental, and at times makes me worry for PJs mental state for coming up with him! Some elements of the story make me cringe (surrounding the relationship with his mother, not to mention one of the sex scenes which descends into something out of an unlikely bodice-ripper), but in the case of the former, it adds a certain something to the character and although it doesn't excuse what he does, it somehow makes him and his actions a little more understandable.

Another interesting element of this book for me was that it introduced Glen Branson, the policeman from PJs later-written Roy Grace series, although it's clear that at this point he was a stand-alone character in this one book, rather than someone to be revisited in a series.

Unfortunately it looks like someone has gone back and rewritten this book to tie in with the character as written in the new series - because once or twice the names change - Glen's wife changes from Ari (as it is in the later books) to another name (can't remember what) it is. This doesn't detract from the fantastic storytelling though, and would definitely recommend this book to anyone who enjoys psychological thrillers that have a little bit extra - and that can quite literally, scare you silly!