A review by soulwinds
The Heights of Perdition by C.S. Johnson


I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Actual rating is 4.5, but it deserves the bump up!

Thought and Plot

Kidnapped by space pirates??? World destroyed by nuclear war??? Do tell me more!
Aerie St. Cloud only wants to win her father’s love (her father is a high ranking general). But it’s hard when you don’t get to go a top school. Aerie wants to join the Military Academy at New Hope in hopes that this will help her win the acceptance of her family unit. But her father puts the brakes on her dream because he thinks she would be better suited for another life and in New Hope you are not allowed to question.
New Hope is an underground city where New York was originally located. The ground above is now desolate. BUT one tree was saved and Aerie sometimes sneaks out to spend some time with said tree, which I thought was precious. Aerie seems to have a knack for growing things. She is also willful and full of questions. But, again, you don’t ask question in New Hope. You follow the orders you are given. Don’t laugh, don’t smile. Don’t even think about having fun. If the leaders tell you to jump, you jump, and the only question you dare to ask is, how high?
But things change drastically for Aerie when she is kidnapped by pirates. By THE pirate, Captain Chainsword, or Exton Shepherd. Exton is the son of the man who made the ship Perdition a reality. But when he learns what is planned for the Perdition, he steals it and started his pirate life. Aboard the stolen ship Perdition people are allowed to laugh, allowed to have fun, allowed to smile, and allowed to ask questions. Mostly importantly (well, to me as a reader), they are allowed to fall in love. Aerie almost immediately starts asking questions.
Exton thinks of himself as heartless and damaged, but his actions prove him wrong. He cares for his crew. He’s kind to the people he rescues. Most importantly, he’s kind to Aerie, even though she is the daughter of his enemy. He may be driven by the need for vengeance, but the man has a heart.
Exton is the arch enemy of her home and her father, but how can she pass up the opportunity to asks all the questions that fly through her head? Worse, she starts falling for him and him for her. There is no honor in falling in love with your people’s enemy and no respect will be earned for it. But how can she help it when he helps her to grow into something more human than she was ever allowed to be back in New Hope?
So while it was obvious from the start these two are going to be love birds, the story really does get going once Aerie is aboard the Perdition. The author weaves in some many elements of human nature. Greed, kindness, love, laughter, oppression…they’re all in there.

In Conclusion
This book is pretty obvious on the romance front, but who the heck cares if you know most of what is going to happen when it’s so well written and you have wonderful characters like Exton and Aerie???
I’m going to be honest, I’m probably going to go buy the box set for myself. That should say something right there!