A review by justiceofkalr
The Lovecraft Anthology, Volume 1 by H.P. Lovecraft


First off, I'm pretty happy with most of the art for this anthology. I felt like it really matched the mood/feel of the stories. So yay there. There's always some iffiness translating the weirdness of Chthulu and friends to a visual format, but it was not bad. Of course there's pretty much no way to really capture the full horrors of the elder gods in pen and ink. And if there was you'd probably go mad looking at it anyways. Kind of a drawback.

As far as how the stories fared I'm a little less happy. They weren't bad per se, but they felt just too short. They lost some of the build-up of suspense that really gives Lovecraft his punch. These are best read if you've already read the full original versions first and can kind of mentally fill in everything that's not fully there. It's a great selection of stories though. I've read and loved the originals of all of these.

Chthulu Fhtagn!