A review by kaitlin_durante
Best Supporting Actor by Sally Malcolm, Joanna Chambers


[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Best Supporting Actor by Joanna Chambers and Sally Malcolm is the third and final book in the Creative Types series. Tag O’Rourke has been working for years to break into the acting scene and things are finally looking up. He’s been cast in a supporting role in a TV pilot that will hopefully be picked up and he has been cast in a new play. He’s thrilled with his upcoming role in the play but is concerned about his stage partner, Jay Warren. Tag and Jay got off on the wrong foot a few different times but both are looking for this play to help their careers. As the two get closer during rehearsals and beyond, Tag and Jay find themselves questioning if there’s more than just stage chemistry.

Tag O’Rourke and Jay Warren are characters that I was immediately enchanted by because they were opposite but not in many ways. Both are driven actors who are striving for success even if they come from drastically different backgrounds. It’s fun to watch the two compete at first when they don’t know each other and are reacting back on misconceptions and biases. Jay broke my heart because beneath his shiny TV actor exterior, he is truly just a man who feels deeply and is looking for a partner to care for and to care for him. He’s been burned in the past and struggles to allow Tag past his walls. Tag is someone who puts on a smiley face even if it’s all for show. He struggles with the weight of his familial expectations and his dreams. Jay just wants to lighten the weight on his shoulders and Tag is fearful to accept the help. The intimacy between the two goes so far beyond just sexual encounters and that is one of my favorite things to read.

Jay, without really trying, just by being himself, had won Tag over.

I adore this series because the characters feel so real and flawed. Both Jay and Tag each have dramatic moments and say things they regret. Who hasn’t had that experience? It makes the story feel more believable and endears you to the characters so much more. I loved the way the story was broken up into acts where the reader was given warning that time had moved but also keeping with the evolution of Jay and Tag’s relationship.

5 stars for Tag and Jay exploring their stage chemistry behind closed doors.