A review by shells
Seawitch by Kat Richardson


It had been a while, a long while, since I'd last ventured into the Grey with Harper Blaine.
I felt this sudden need to delve into it again, last week. So I broke down and ordered the book previous to this, Downpour, on my Kindle.
And I inhaled every word of that book in no time.
I just HAD to read another and so I ordered this one right as soon as I finished Downpour.

Without giving too much away in Seawitch, an old, long missing ship rolls into dock. There is no one on board. There are obvious signs of something sinister. And there are signs below the surface that only Harper can see as she ventures in with her Grey tuned eyes. But she's not alone this time, as Solis is also charged with investigating the ship with the hopes of finding out what happened to her crew so many years before. Together, they uncover the mysteries and layers, while learning more about each other in the process.

I was surprised by the revelations in regards to Solis. And pleased. I'm hoping to learn more with the next books. Harper has changed, grown, and been altered by her experiences. Not just in regards to interaction with the Grey, and the occasional deaths she's suffered, but also with the living people in her life. And, her growing relationship with Quinton is wonderful to experience. Not just for Harper's part in it, but to see how much Quinton has changed as well.

I can't wait to read Possession! Well, when I have a little more money in the book fund, that is.