A review by redhairedashreads
Champion by Anna Hackett


Series: Galactic Gladiators #5
Rating: 4 stars - It was really good

Space Marine Blaine Strong is struggling to overcome his time as a slave in the underground fighting rings. The drugs they gave him have made him more aggressive and now he struggles to control himself. When the House of Galen is attacked he fights with the gladiators to take down their enemies and rescue the humans. Along the way he admits his feelings for the beautiful and dangerous Saff Essikani.

“Sometimes things look bad, impossible even, but you have to believe things will get better and keep moving toward it.”

This was an action packed adventure with a very hot couple. I really enjoyed this book. Blaine is struggling to deal with what was done to him in the fighting rights. Saff is the only one who gets through to him and really understands how much he is struggling. She helps him embrace the fact he will never be the same man again. I really liked Blaine and do wonder if we will see more human men in future books since we know more were taken.

“He kissed her like he needed her to live. Needed her to breathe. Like he could find all the answers inside her.”

Saff was a beautiful and deadly woman. I really liked her. She was sold to the arena and has earned her freedom but the scars from her past still remain. These two had great chemistry and were a kickass couple. I couldn’t get enough of either of them, especially when they were fighting together.

I really can’t wait to dive into the next book because things are really ramping up against the slavers. We are getting closer to finding the location of the fight rings and the rest of the humans but it gets more dangerous with every new piece of information. I love the mixture of romance and danger in this series. Hackett really knows how to mix the two and create an amazing world and characters.

This review was originally posted at Red-Haired Ash Reads.