A review by chl0e_c
Descent Into Hell by Charles Williams


I was intrigued to read this "theological thriller" when I realized that the author, Charles Williams, was a member of the “Inklings" and a friend of Tolkien and Lewis. For me, this was a difficult read—and very, very weird. The concepts of time and dimension are confusing, as the past, present, physical world, and spiritual world all simultaneously intersect/connect with each other somehow.

I did enjoy the challenge of the read, although I felt much of the theological depth and allusion went over my head. Nevertheless, after reading this, the Scriptural command to "bear one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ" has taken on a new powerful & redeeming meaning for me. Also, I’m definitely still pondering the vivid, haunting portrayal that the real horror of the “descent into hell” is not an external torment—but a torment originating *internally* from one’s willful & deliberate choices to live for self-fulfillment.