A review by akila_r
Latchkey by Nicole Kornher-Stace


I'm going, to be honest, I went into this book begrudgingly. I felt that Archivist Wasp had a perfectly good ending and that there was no reason for the story to continue. But a couple chapters into Latchkey, I was so glad that the author had decided to continue Wasp's and the ghost's story because there is still SO much we didn't know about the Before world and the Latchkey Operation. I liked this book so much better than the first one. Perhaps this is because of the constant pull of the desire to understand the what, why and how behind the Latchkey ghosts and Wasp's abilities.

Reaching the end of this book, we still don't have a lot of answers (which is driving me crazy by the way) but in a way, I don't mind it. Latchkey was able to make this series one of my favorites and I'm so glad I allowed myself to be immersed in this world. It's so original and refreshing and I'd never encountered anything like it before. Highly recommend!!!

*** Just wanted to add that's been hours since I've finished this book and I still can't stop thinking about it. It's been such a long time since a book had that effect on me. I have so so SO much love for these characters and the author!!!!