A review by sheltzer
How to School Your Scoundrel by Juliana Gray

Did not finish book.
Luisa is the Crown Princess of some Germanic principality. She and her sisters are kidnapped after their father dies. Her uncle, the duke, comes up with this hair-brained scheme that the 3 sisters and their governess will dress as men and he will dress as a woman to hide from the bad guys. Somerton hires Luisa as his personal secretary.

The hiding scheme is preposterous. Somerton's an ass. Luisa is not charming enough to make up for it. The comedic relief characters aren't really comedic so much as sad and one-dimensional. I don't expect much from a paperback romance, but this didn't live up to my expectations.

There are too many books I want to read for me to continue with one that I can only describe as a chore...