A review by ridgewaygirl
Based Upon Availability by Alix Strauss


Not long into Based Upon Availability the main character, Morgan, a manager at a ritzy Manhattan hotel, declares that she is "a good girl...loyal and honest," a statement that would have been easier to believe had she not already made a habit of stealing items, primarily prescription medication and sex toys, from guests' rooms, coerced a subordinate into having sex with her and lied to her boyfriend. Morgan is self-involved, full of self-pity and so fragile that a careless remark can send her into a tailspin.

In the second half of the book, the story follows several different women whose lives intersected in some way with Morgan's. It is interesting to see small events seen from another angle, but really, all these women are really Morgan. There's an aging rock star version of Morgan, a frowsy, OCD version, a Morgan with a living sister, etc...each as desperate to be taken care of as the one before. Which may be why the book lost me early on; not one of these characters is the slightest bit resilient and each sees a husband to support her, or a baby or the chance to be a little girl again, as what she needs to be happy. Despite their good careers and financial stability, despite the drug use and the endless smoking, these girls are all the anti-feminist ideal.

Based Upon Availability is written well enough, but there were coincidences and actions that strained credibility. I usually favor unlikeable protagonists, but there was no forward motion in their emotional lives and many of the vignettes ended abruptly and without resolution.