A review by bethecowgirl
Always by Nicola Griffith


I love this book. When I first read it, I was unaware that it was book 3 of a trilogy. I didn't get any of the references to Julia, but I loved it anyway. (Later, I read the series through in the right order. It made more sense.)

Interspersed with the plot are chapters about Aud teaching a self-defense class. These are my favorite chapters. The women in the class are interesting, and the culmination of their plotline is—to me—even more interesting than the climax of the main plotline. Additionally, I feel like all the stuff Aud teaches is sound advice, which I will most likely heed when I am in any sort of scary situation.

I am about to read this book for the third time. I think it's the best out of the trilogy, but that could be because I read it first. Lastly, the cover is really nice.