A review by alyssaindira
Empress of All Seasons by Emiko Jean


*no major plot spoilers were harmed in the making of this review*

"I am a lean tiger in winter, I will survive, I will be free"

Hey guys, so I finished Empress of All Seasons by Emiko Jean. I actually really liked it. The plot was intriguing, if not different from what I originally conjured. So as the bookjacket says, there is a competition to find the next empress of the land, whoever conquers the four seasons in the palace of illusions wins it all. It sounds straightforward, right? Well, it is and it isnt an illusion in itself. Ha. So yeah, Mari is suppose to do just that. That is her main focus in this novel. But it isn't her willing goal. Heck, it isn't even her goal to begin with, it is someone else's. But she has to follow through with it, otherwise she believes...well, it would not end well. At least that is what she believes. She thinks she has to honor the whole before the self, which is her clan motto. OMG, her clan, her culture is seriously...just wow. SO basically, in order to have value, you gotta be pretty. How messed up is that?? ANd apparently, in her culture, men can't be pretty, SO there be no men. Yikes. That was really shocking in the book. BUT, Mari is a rebel! She is a bold, brave and strong willed rebel! YES. SHe does things in her own way. She get things done in her own way. SHe is amazing like that. She struggles alot in this book, and goes through some pretty quick character development. She faces issues with loyalty, 'love', family,friends, honor, sacrifice, etc. All the events in her life shape her attitude and mindset throughout the book IN addition to reading about the main focus of the story, the season conquering in Mari's eyes, we get two additional POV's, Taro's and Akira's. The cold prince and the son of nightmares. My my, those two....man. You know, all these characters have interrelated storylines that revolve around Mari's plot. Mari and Taro are similar in the way they both wanted their freedom from the chains of duty that bind them. And Taro and Akira are similar in the way they both want to be loved and cherished for who they are. Honestly, i would have kinda shipped a Taro and Akira romance. Both of the men have their individual qualities to love. Taro is the sweet, sheltered, bartered, bruised, adorable, sensitive prince. At first he doesnt want his responsibilities, doesnt want the burden. He isn't like his cruel daddy. He just wants to live in peace and solitude. But he didn't want to be in solitude by himself. He ached for love, and at first opportunity, he darn sure tried to foster love. HOnestly I think he kinda just jumped the gun. Like, he immediately spotted someone different from his usual life and was like, "oh, she'd be cool to have around, for like, ever". Lol, it's almost like he tries too hard to earn her affection? It's kinda sweet and endearing, how he is like a little puppy vying for her affection. Though it is kinda weird, at first he didn't want to be a prize to be won, he didn't want to be reduced to being a trophy. He wanted his freedom. He had a plan. he knew what he wanted, he had a goal. THen is all changed. all because of someone woman he was infatuated with. *facepalm*. And lookwhere that got him...SO yeah, his character arc takes some pretty big twists and turns that give the book an edge. Especially towards the end. WHEW. He certainly does everything with passion when he puts his heart into it, ill tell ya. No matter what it is, go big or go home i guess. NOw AKIRA. OH my sweet precious baby boy. Goodness gracious eh just had one heck of a time during this book. His character arc was the strongest in my opinion. He too, pines after the one he loves. And is willing to do anything for his beloved. He would follow her anywhere. He would kill for her. NOw that is a man. I immediately loved him. just everything about him. His spunk, his humor, his cleverness, his heart, his soul, his loyalty, and his desire to be worthy. Though actually..in their own way, all the character seek to be worthy of someone or something. They each solve that in their own ways. Anyway, Akira, is so amazing, he is...he knows what he wants, and he does what he needs to do to get it. He kind ahas his own plotline during the competition but it is not less important than the others. Actually it might be the most important. HAHA. Yes, he is the most precious character that needs to be protected and sheltered at all costs. I just love how he wishes he has more confidence and courage and not be a coward. ANd instead of just wishing he had it, he goes out and takes action to make his wishes come true. SNd boy does he ever. Gods i just love him. So yeah, the plot revolves around these 3 characters and their own hardships that are connected to one another. It is a relatively fast paced book, The writing makes it easy to skim and still be immeresd in this book. It is really easy to get connected to the characters, especially when reading about their backgronds. The writing is pretty straightforward and easy to understand. It is not too cluttered with frilly details. It has just enouhg to set the scene, but every detail has purpose, has its use. The actions scnes are also really quick and easy to comprehend and follow along with. Theya re not muddied up and you don't get lost in the squabble. SO yeah, i really liked this book. And that ending...man. The plot arcs turned out differently than what I expected, but the bookw as good nonetheless. I especially loved th little Japanese myth/legend tidbits of background woven into the story. It made it that much more enjoyable. Okay, I think i prattled on long enough. Remember, this is all my opinion, if you want your own read the book. okay, till next time. Bye.