A review by hammard
Doctor Who: Parasite by Jim Mortimore


This seems to really divide people in Doctor Who community. Some people consider it unreadable trash, others the raddest book of the new adventures. As such I went in expecting a hot mess long the lines of The Pit or Legacy. What I found was neither opinion was true, actually a pretty middling VNA (in my current ongoing rankings of stories I am reading in order, it is 23 out of 46).

What we have instead is very much a Big Dumb Object story, like Greg Bear's 1985 novel Eon, combined with a gritty biopunk story, like Greg Bear's other 1985 novel Blood Music (there is just a chance Mortimore was a fan). So as such it is a lot of our characters wondering around an alien environment that is weird and mysterious whilst also dealing with a parasitic organism killing people off.

There are big leaps of logic and at times I did feel my patience wearing thin with the over use of description or people being out of character. However, it was never actually boring. And after was has been a rather uninspired set of books for the latter half of 1994 (two vampire stories, two haunted house mysteries, a gothic horror historical celebrity, religious aliens at war, a continuity mess and the interesting but dull Venusian Lullaby) it is nice to see them pushing the boat out a bit and do it well.

Now on to 1995, where everything changes...