A review by ladyfives
Rat Queens, Vol 8: The God Dilemma by Ryan Ferrier

And this is where I sign off. It was a good run, Rat Queens.

Most of the previous volumes were enjoyable but kind of frustrating—the ideas, both on the issue & arc level, are often awesome, bizarre, or fun. But especially with the bigger ideas like Evil Hannah it feels like the writers only want to have fun in the set-up and build-up…and put the important finales off-screen. I feel like I’m being told, “Oh, we didn’t actually want to write that. And you didn’t want to read it, right?” I was here the whole time. Yes, I did.

Regardless, there’s a reason that after the confusing chaos that was Vol.3, I came back for more. These are great characters and even if the artists keep changing, they always add something special and different. I’ve got a spot in my heart for irreverent, crass, gory, often nasty high fantasy—that still is emotionally true and appropriately epic. Rat Queens almost got there.