A review by kaulhilo
Beautiful Secret by Christina Lauren


2.5 stars / i really feel like this started on a mediocre note...got considerably better for a bit and then flatlined to a measly 1-2/10. can’t say it wasn’t an easy read, because it was, but it wasn’t very good outside of some form of entertaining? the male mc really wasn’t developed well enough (or maybe he was just bland) for my liking, i’ve never been a big fan of villainizing your ex and blaming the entire trajectory of your problems/failings on her (i would say them, but let’s be real- it’s always the woman who’s “evil”) — i’m sure it happens a fair amount irl or whatever, but i’m just not a fan of the trope. emotionally repressed men looking to blame someone else for their issues, PLEASE show yourself out. idc if ur supposedly hot:)