A review by megatsunami
Freddie Ramos Takes Off by Jacqueline Jules


Aaaa, this book was so sweet! And just a little suspenseful too. It was a big hit with my kindergartener. This adorable semi-superhero gains super-speed-powers from special new zapatos (shoes). He uses his new powers to, for example, go back and get a library book his classmate left in the classroom, because the classmate is crying and distraught. He does deal with some bigger problems too. (The truth about the graffiti problem is really pretty awesome.) And I like how he comments that some problems seem to need brain power instead of Zapato Power. I would have liked this book regardless, but it was nice to have a Latino main character who was not a stereotype, and I liked that the book addressed class a little bit, as well as the experience of a military family who lost a parent.