A review by watermelonvodka
The Whistling Toilets by Randy Powell


I only read this book because of the title. It was an ok story... Nothing too exciting, and finding out what the whistling toilets were at the end, kind of dissapointed me. ha.
I just found my Grade 11 project on this book and thought it was a little funny, so I'm sharing some of it:

None of the situations in this book remind me of real life. I actually think that what is going on so far, is kind of far fetched. It is about a 15 year old girl that plays tennis, and is all pro, and basically famous. There is also a guy that is 16, and he plays tennis too, but is a tennis coach for little kids. The girl is losing her talent, and her coach and family want her to come back home, and enter a tournament for amateurs to see if it will get her back on track. Also, what I think is stupid, is that they think the 16 year old guy should coach her because they’re friends, and they think he can make her better. What I don’t understand, is why this girl’s professional tennis coach, wants a 16 year old who coaches 6 year olds, to coach her. I don’t think that would ever happen in real life.

Another thing that is just really annoying, is that the main character talks about The Whistling Toilets now, but he doesn’t say what they are. He says: “oh, I should tell Ginny about the Whistling toilets.” And “oh, if I tell Ginny about the whistling toilets, she’ll think I’m weird” and “Why did I say that about the vacuum? I could told her about the whistling toilets” and “I need the right time to tell her about the whistling toilets”. It’s very annoying. It isn’t even at the point where I want to know what they are anymore. I just want to yell at him: “HEY! You! Stop it with the whistling toilets!”

****SPOILER BELOW! ******

I was very disappointed when I found out what the Whistling Toilets were. All they are, are four toilets, lined up, without stalls separating them, that whistle all in tune and sound like a song. That’s it. And this main character was so worked up on showing them to his friend, and about if she was the right person to show, and if she would understand and all that. What’s to understand? It’s toilets that whistle.