A review by izmadi
The Laughing Policeman by Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö


I've ordered this on impulse, after seeing someone saying it was better than Simisola and I was not disappointed. Halfway through, I realized it was part of a huge series and I felt embarrassed to not have previously heard of it, I will certainly look into the rest of the series and might even check out the live action adaptations.
Personally, the only thing that wasn't my favourite was that most of the solution and investigation revolves around cars and how well people knew them. As this is a topic that has never interested me (I can only differentiate cars by color), I couldn't relate to that part and I felt it was a little too simple to focus so much on one type of clue. I did however like that the solution wasn't easy to figure out for the reader and even towards the end I was still expecting some other unexpected twist to happen right at the very end. And to some extent, it does. I've also loved the chemistry between the characters, though I might have to read more of the series before I can start differentiating them more, they didn't stand out much from each other.

For illustration purposes, here is the song mentioned in the book, the clip even includes the image on the vinyl: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YhDKnRSMAwQ