A review by angelreads
On Thin Ice by Julie Cross


I received an e-arc of On Thin Ice by Julie Cross from Entangled: Teen via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. This has in no way influenced my thoughts and feelings about the book. 

I've read a couple of Julie Cross' books before picking up On Thin Ice, and while they aren't my favourite books out there. They are ones that I know, I can sit down and just enjoy. And On Thin Ice wasn't any different. this one was fun, emotional and just a nice read. 

On Thin Ice follows Jake, the star and captain of the ice hockey team and prince of Juniper Falls. Everything that he has wanted is falling right into place. But then a hazing ritual goes wrong. Not only is Jake injured, but he has to deal with all the consequences that follow. Now Jake is assistant coach to the new girls' ice hockey team, and he is liking it more than he thinks.

Brooke is just trying to fit into her new town, but it's hard when everything is falling apart. Not only did she lose her dad, but her mum has also lost herself. And then Brooke joins the girls' ice hockey team. But the more time that Brooke and Jake spend together, the more they get to know each other. And the more time that they spend with one another. 

I really enjoyed reading On Thin Ice, as I said before, it's one of those books that I can just sit down and read. The characters were enjoyable, the plot was very intriguing and the romance just warmed my heart. From the start, I really enjoyed both protagonists and I loved seeing them come together.  

Brooke was a really interesting protagonist. The reader doesn't know too much about her from the start of the book, but as the novel goes on and Jake starts to learn more about her - so do we. Brooke was an easy character to get along with. Her pain was evident from the start, but that meant she was vulnerable and was easier to figure out. I really loved Brooke's character arc throughout On Thin Ice. At first, she is really closed off, but as the novel goes on, she makes friends and finds solace in Jake, she comes out of her shell. I adored that she played Ice Hockey. It was so much fun seeing a female hockey player. 

Oh, Jake. My heart broke for him so many times throughout the book. Like Brooke, he has been through a lot of most people around him, don't know or don't understand. Jake is a very interesting character, and I think that is why I liked getting to know to know him so much. The reader can tell from the get-go how caring and sensitive Jake really is. I mean yes his a hockey boy through and through. But, there is another side to him that Brooke really brought out. 

The romance in On Thin Ice was actually quite beautiful and sweet. Jake is a couple years older than Brooke and we don't see that much in YA, but it I think it really worked here. Brooke is younger and shy and Jake was great in bringing her out of her shell. They complimented each other really nicely, and the reader can see it as they both become themselves through the novel. The romance was slow and didn't move too fast, and I love that. They both go to know each other and really bond - which I don't see much anymore. 

I also really enjoyed the other themes that On Thin Ice explored. The notion of family was something that was very present throughout the whole book. Both Jake and Brooke have very dysfunction families but in very different ways. Brooke's family is in pieces and she doesn't know what to do with her life because of it. Her dad isn't in the picture, and her mum, she needs help. Jake just feels like he has let down his family. But he also feels like his family has also let him down. It is all very complicated. On Thin Ice also explores the notion of toxic masculinity and how high school sports might influence the way that people think and conduct things. 

Overall, I enjoyed reading On Thin Ice by Julie Cross. It was sweet, but also daring. It explores two different people and how they come together in strange circumstances. The romance was totally adorable and just put a massive smile on my face. The characterisation throughout On Thin Ice was really well done and I loved seeing both Jake and Brooke grow not only by themselves but as a couple. Pick this one up if you are looking for something that might just make you smile.