A review by julie_hastings
Into the Black Nowhere by Meg Gardiner


"We serial killers are your sons, we are your husbands, we are everywhere." - Ted Bundy.

For those of you who don't already know, this novel was based off of the true events in the Ted Bundy case. As some of you might not know... Ted Bundy is my favorite serial killer. I'm not one of his so called "groupies" I am just completely fascinated on how he murdered so many women and was never officially caught until when he did. Then to escape jail. WOAH. What a manipulative mastermind. Anyways, once I heard that Meg Gardiner made another book based on a serial killer named Ted Bundy (first book: Zodiac Killer), I just had to read it. There were no exceptions.

This book was extremely well written. There were parts in the story that I could picture from documentaries previously watched and newspaper articles previous written that held true. I couldn't even help myself when reading "Detrick" .... I had to call him "TED."

There are also many parts in this book with twists and turns that you didn't see coming. Also, in this book, Caitlin receives a new partner, Agent Rainey. Let me tell you.... I loved everything about Rainey as a character. Talk about total bad ass. As much as I'm torn about Caitlin being on the east coast rather than California, I don't know which duo I want to stick. Her new team or the old team?

Agent Hendrix is still in her long distance relationship with the hottie Sean Rawlins. I was very sad when it came to Sean because he was not in this book as much as he was Unsub. I completely understand why he is not a huge character but I'm really hoping that in book 3 he will be.

If you are looking for a fast paced series, I highly recommend Unsub and Into the Black Nowhere!