A review by annettebooksofhopeanddreams
Blue Bloods by Melissa de la Cruz


I've read quite a lot of books by Melissa de La Cruz and yet for some reason I had completed missed this series. Until I was browsing through a website with all recent YA novels published by Disney Hyperion. The new covers for this series look amazing and once I read the word vampire in the summary I was already sold. I ordered the first three books in the series and today it was finally time to read the first one.

I needed a little while to really get into this book. In the first few chapters we're meeting quite a few characters, each with their own challenges, thoughts and issues. In the beginning it was quite hard to tell them all apart and to remember who's who and who's connected to who. However, once the characters became more and more layered and interesting and once the plot grew more and more complex I was sucked in and couldn't put the book down anymore.

This book is everything I had expected it to be. There is this rich school, filled with rich and privileged people and quite soon we discover there's a little more to them. Then we're thrown into this world filled with politics, secrets and danger. Especially the story getting more and more dangerous and the stakes getting higher and higher made this book insanely addictive. I just had to know what would happen next and what was going on.

My favorite part of this book were the characters though. I like to read about rich teenagers. Mostly because they have interesting problems and even more intriguing personalities. In this case those characters clearly had issues too. Some of those characters are quite clearly slightly problematic, others are a little easier to root for. I at least know for sure that I'm really curious what's waiting for them in the next books in this series.