A review by jackiehorne
Her Unexpected Roommate by Jackie Lau


Rose, who has watched her four other "Cider Bar Sisters" find romantic partners in the previous four books in the series, is sad and a bit jealous, despite being happy for her best girls. She worries that her treatment-resistant depression means she will never find a romantic partner herself. Her worry seems justified after she has an unusual (for her) hot one-night stand with a big beefcake of a guy she meets in a bar, and he later ghosts her. And when, nearly a year later, said guy turns out to be the roommate her friends found for her, Rose isn't at all open to listening to Cal's excuse for not calling (even though we as readers know it is a valid one). But as the two hang out as roommates, Rose gradually begins to realize that Cal isn't a jerk, but a kind, caring (and really smokin') guy. Who likes her, insecurities and anxieties and cute plushie friends and all...

Strong depiction of Rose's depression, although as someone with depression myself, I did find it a bit tiresome to read Rose's worries over and over again (I find my own depression tiresome, too...).

Did anyone else think Cal's intellectual disabilities went beyond the dyscalculia that Rose suggests he may be suffering from? Even taking into consideration my preference for quick-witted, bantering-type protagonists, Cal seemed worryingly slow at times.

Loved their embrace of their stuffed animal Instagram shenanigans...