A review by adeleon
The Little Guys by Vera Brosgol


“We can climb the tallest tree there is, easy peasy for the Little Guys!”


This story follows a bunch of Little Guys and their quest for gathering food. Each page has a chant for them, such as: “We can climb the tallest tree there is, easy peasy for the Little Guys”. As the story goes on it becomes increasingly obvious that the Little Guys are acting like bullies, taking more than they need. They steal food from an owl, a fox, and a bear! Everything comes crashing down on them, and they lose all their food and supplies to the river. They almost lose themselves as well, but the owl, the fox, and the bear, save them. The story ends with their lesson learned, to only take what is needed, and share what is not.

I would highly recommend this book. The illustrations are adorable, the story is cute, and there is a good lesson to be learned. Initially the Little Guys seemed empowering, showing the reader that they can do anything, but it slowly descends into bullying. It shows how quickly empowerment can change. When they eventually lose everything they’ve stolen and hoarded, the story shows the animals that had been bullied help the Little Guys. I loved this part, though I would’ve also understood if the animals hadn’t helped the Little Guys too. Sometimes we need to wait for an apology before offering our help again, but not in this case. The animals all knew that the Little Guys needed them, and even looked a bit annoyed about it. It was nice to see at the end that the Little Guys shared their food with another animal. It shows that people can change, no matter what has happened.