A review by usbsticky
The Blind by A.F. Brady


Masterful - I'm very surprised that this is a debut novel because the author writes like a veteran.

I'm not sure how to pigeonhole this book because it's not what I thought it would be. I got this from the thriller category but it's not your run of the mill thriller or action book. At first I was annoyed that I was duped into reading this book because all it was was about a clinical psychologist's life at a NY mental institution and that was the last thing I wanted to read about. But the writing was really easy to read and get into and I followed her day to day story at the zoo.

Dr. Sam James had a handsome Wall Street boyfriend and a seemingly successful career at work. Her boss and colleagues looked up to her and her male bff had an unfailing crush on her. But as you read on, more was revealed and underneath it all she was a train wreck. Behind the veneer of competency and professionalism, she was none of the above. Instead, she was an alcoholic, her bf was abusive and everything was unraveling. Her narrative was turning into an Edgar Allan Poe Tell-Tale heart narrative. Not only that, I was forced to turn the pages unwillingly, my work and even mealtimes forgotten.

The book is very well crafted and plotted out. The events take place in only a few places: at the clinic, home and a bar. And the events revolve only around a single main character: Sam James plus a small supporting cast. Despite this, you are never bored because the story is tightly focused and you don't have to waste your time reading about stuff that doesn't concern the story. This is in direct contrast to the last book I reviewed where there were too many characters, all of them paper thin and too many locations. Instead, it's all about Sam James and you are right in her head all the time. The author manages to keep your attention for all 408 pages and that's quite a feat. As the book comes to a close you will guess the ending and it's all because of a single sentence. The ending is a little abrupt and I wish there was a little more. This is one of the few times I wish there was an epilogue because I didn't want it to end so soon.

I don't think this is a book for everyone but if you like good writing for its own sake you'll like it. Congrats to the author for a great debut book.

I got this book as a free ARC.