A review by the_messy_jessi
The Chime Child by Franny Billingsley


Perhaps before I actually write a review for this book I should actually finish it, but every time I pick it up it's like I have to go back and reread what I have already read. I'm kind of sitting here in that 'what the heck' place that either pushes me to finish a book or just put it down and let it go for now. I think I shall sleep on that feeling and see if in the morning I feel up to the last hundred pages or so.

While I picked up the book by chance at the library. By chance, because our library is so tiny it's a part of the high school library and it seems as if nothing new passes through it's doors until now. We have a new librarian who orders everything under the sun for us and that is why I picked this up by chance. Reading the inside cover it sounded like my cup of tea and when I sat down to read it I sometimes got lost in the words. Lost in the words in a way I have never been before. I would have to reread a few lines a couple of times to see if I was reading it right after going on a page or so. I love the concept, the world that is being presented and the characters themselves are superb. I love the attention to details and the way everything is described, but I guess I get easily lost in all the ideas that are thrown at you at once.

Now I'm going to go sleep on this and perhaps find out by the end that I love this book and should have just stayed up for a few more hours and finished it up before posting this review. Wish me luck!