A review by myntop
Oleanders are Poisonous: Some things can't be forgiven by A.J. Collins


I got a copy of this book from Book Siren. It was compared to Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson so I thought I might like it.

The beginning of the book was a bit hard to follow, I felt like it jumped from place to place a bit quickly and it took me awhile to figure out what was going on and what the importance of certain things were. Once I got into the book I had a hard time putting it down. It was very expressive, being told from Lauren's perspective, I felt like I could truly see and feel what she was going through. She's already dealing with so much with her mother, then Harry leaving, and finally what happens with her stepfather. I don't know that anyone at any age would be able to cope with so much and not break or at least snap at some point.

The end of the book is what got to me the most. The start of recovery, the start of feeling happy again and then ... Boom! A Bombshell! I didn't realize when I started the book that there would be a sequel and now I'm anxious to read it and find out how everything plays out.