A review by pattydsf
(Don't) Call Me Crazy: 33 Voices Start the Conversation About Mental Health by Kelly Jensen


“I define “depression,” but depression does not define me because you cannot define a person. Not with a single word, not with an entire book. Human beings defy definition. Yet the stigma surrounding mental illness makes some believe we can use it to define others, and it often deceives us into believing we must use it to define ourselves.”

This is a book aiming at a particular audience – young adults – and when I was that age there weren’t books aimed at me. All this is to say that this book is a well written book not for me. The information it contains is mostly things I know and after awhile I felt like the authors were talking down to me. I want to know more about mental health, but I think this was a poor choice for me.

This book is well written and should be available for every young adult who needs it or wants to know more about health issues. I hope that it ends up in the right hands.