A review by skimreads
The Doomsday Archives by Zack Loran Clark, Nick Eliopulos


Solidly spooky and super action packed. Fell short on two things:
1. The ending felt super rushed and abrupt. I was surprised to find I only had about 15 pages left at a really crucial point in the climax. I wish some of the reveal at the end had been tied into the actual story, rather than summarized in the epilogue.
2. The climate change commentary was flimsy and clunkily (not a real word - I’m making it one) overt in the first chapter, never to resurface again in the rest of the book. The authors had a beautiful letter to the reader that accompanied the ARC, but had I not known their intentions, this theme would have come across as nonexistent or too randomly mentioned.

I loved the horror, I was very invested and hooked throughout, and would definitely recommend it for anyone looking for spooky magic, secret societies, and/or the importance and power of friendship.