A review by tashachowdory
The Shifting Price of Prey by Suzanne McLeod


Probably the best one of the lot so far - if only because we get to know a bit more about Malik and Bastien and we also get introduced to a whole host of new characters. The procedural element is still there but it's nice that now Helebn Crane is out of the picture the police side of things is actually more enjoyable to read. The addition of lycanthropes to the mix is great and I like the explanation of how they came to be. The over-arching plot with the tarot cards etc I could have done without and I'm getting tired of trying to guess who's holding allegiance to whom. But the ending. Brilliant. Finn is probably my least favourite character in all the books just really bloody annoying.

I can't wait for the next (and last) one in the series!!! Roll on next October :)