A review by beccasabala
Raven by Leah Steele


Every book in this series has me thinking “she can’t top this” then she goes and does it!

I absolutely loved this book. I loved that we got to see the history with Vander, and got to really learn some truths about Vander and Remi. Learning about both of their pasts and what really cemented their connection together. It helps really show who Vander is, and why he is the broken man that he has become.

Of course all the rest of her men are not forgotten. We learn quite a few secrets that involve everyone including some ravenmaster truths. Every single character has tons of growth especially Remi. I love seeing her find herself and really start to discover that it’s okay to feel emotions and it’s not a weakness. No she doesn’t become a sniveling damsel or anything remotely close, because let she real Remi is the star of this series in all her badass glory. But she does show bits of emotion here and there towards the guys and figuring out how she feels towards them and also towards situations happening to her. Instead of approaching everything immediately with anger and murder, she considers things a teensy bit before she goes and gets stabby!

Every book in this series leaves me wanting, I always have 9 million new questions after all my previous questions are answered. Then I’m desperate for the next book to find out what’s next!
The spice is all kinda of delicious! Every scene gets better and better.

Leah is so good at keeping the suspense of who “ravenmaster” is and also all the details about the guys, just when I think I really know the guys she throws a wrench in it and uncovers a secret or a new detail about the guys that leaves me in shock.

I’m so incredibly ready for the next book! I can’t wait for more of My favorite little psychopath and her harem of deliciousness.