A review by mcacev
Green Lantern, Volume 2: The Revenge of Black Hand by Geoff Johns


It's what you would do.

Que crying for an hour.

Volume 2 of Green Lantern is another 2 part story. The first 4 issues focus on Hal and Sinestro's trip to Nok, the home planet of the Indigo Tribe who were introduced during the last series as the purple corp of compassion, while the last 2 issues focus on Black Hand and his return as a villain.

I'm not sure why this volume is called Revenge of Black Hand, since he doesn't actually do anything until the end of the story; it would be more fitting to call it something pertaining to the Indigo Tribe because they are the true stars of this volume.

This is an excellent volume. I absolutely loved the Indigo Tribe story-line; we learn more about Sinestro's past, about the creation of the Indigo Tribe and about Abin Sur (the best underdeveloped character ever). The relationships in Sinestro's past are so interesting that I always love an opportunity to learn more about them, and this is no exception. There were 2 moments that made me really emotional; one is towards the end, when back on Korugar, Sinestro takes Hal back to his underground base. Hal sees the wedding portrait of Arin and Sinestro, and as he comments on it, Sinestro destroys it. Another is the quote at the beginning, which Sinestro gives Hal in response to Hal asking him if he is really about to fight an entire tribe of murderers and sadists with an empty ring.

The origin of the Indigo Tribe is fascinating and well thought out. I liked that it tied directly into Abin Sur's past, that Natomo was a really good friend of Abin's and the irony of having a tribe of compassion who can cycle through the emotional spectrum be entirely comprised of people who can't experience any compassion or emotions. I also like the cruel irony of the process of being 'converted' into the tribe involving torture and physical violence, as well as the tribe functioning more or less like a collective. They are really fascinating, and probably my favorite of the spectrum, save perhaps the Star Sapphires.

The relationship between Hal and Sinestro continues to be delightful. I loved their banter in this, how they are slowly returning to the dynamic they had before Sinestro betrayed the Green Lanterns. They care about each others so much, and yet neither one is willing to admit it, so they mask it with ridiculous posturing and sniping. I also for some reason appreciate how much Sinestro dislikes Carol, and I elect to believe that it's because he feels threatened by her (though again, Johns doesn't really do her justice in this either, so it's not clear).

Black Hand is an awesomely morbid villain. I liked him a lot during Blackest Night, but here he is even more over the top and crazy. I laughed a lot at the revelation in the Book of the Dead. I'm not sure if it was intentionally written to be funny, but the line HAL JORDAN IS THE GREATEST BLACK LANTERN is hilarious.

If I do have a complaint, it's the same as the previous issue. I love Johns' writing but he continues to sideline and kill of female characters to further the story of his male ones. However I can't blame him too much, because Arin Sur had died long before he took over Green Lantern duties, and I honestly don't know if Abin's daughter is his invention or was part of the canon before he took over. Either way, sidelining Carol is still annoying, but I'd rather have her not present than used simply as a soundboard for Hal.

Looking forward to continue with the series!