A review by b_harrington
A Postcard from Capri by Alex Brown

lighthearted sad medium-paced


There’s great potential in the idea of a grand-daughter discovering her grandmother’s glamorous, sad past but the writing isn’t good enough to fulfil it. 

The FMC travels to Italy to uncover her family secrets- most of which are found in a suitcase on a wardrobe in her family home. 

Plot holes aplenty- she had time to scan/ photograph/ upload her grandmother’s letters to her laptop but not read them? She somehow read them in Italy?

The dad knew about the secret child all along and just didn’t mention it? Lucia knew the story and just didn’t tell anyone, “because it wasn’t her business”?

She’s a 31-year- old self-taught photographer who just happens to get a fashion shoot in Italy? 

I really can’t get over her huge crisis of confidence when offered the job- I wish we had a confident, assured, role model. 

I cannot understand why a 31- year- old single woman would be so (for want of a better word) frigid with a man she’s attracted to. They both like each other? She keeps saying how hot he is? And yet she’s constantly running away from him and all they do is *hold hands*. She was engaged before and lived with her fiancé? Hardly a mousy virgin?

Gio’s a drip- constantly just asking her if she’s ok. 

The biggest, biggest problem is the dialogue. No one speaks the way this author has written these characters. It jarred me out of the story every time one of them spoke. 

I found my eyes constantly scanning over huge chunks of description and seriously contemplating giving up on it.