A review by bibliobekka
A Whole Song and Dance by Sarvenaz Tash


Nasrin has been accepted to NYU’s elite drama program at Tisch School of the Arts, which any theatre kid knows is a dream come true. The only problem is, her parents think she is going to Stearn Business school at NYU, not Tisch. As her studies and extracurricular activities start piling up, it gets more and more difficult to keep lying to her parents, especially after they surprise her by moving to the big apple to be near her.

This book is a theatre-loving high schooler’s dream. While the plot was a bit predictable, it was an enjoyable read. Each of the chapter titles is named after a song from a musical which I thought was a fun touch! High school Bekka would have LOVED this book and all of the references to different acting exercises and techniques like Meisner and Strasberg. It was a very quick and fun read.