A review by beckyreads2
Naked at Lunch: A Reluctant Nudist's Adventures in the Clothing-Optional World by Mark Haskell Smith


I really wasn't sure what to expect with this book, but I was intrigued, and it was recommended by a friend.

I really enjoyed Mark Haskell Smith's writing style. It was conversational, objective, and funny. Some of the places he went might frighten me, and others interested me, such as the beach near San Diego. You know, the one where a guy had a heart attack climbing the hill on the way to his car. I appreciate the physical activity combined with the freedom to swim without a clingy wet suit. I enjoyed the experiences that his research assistant had, too.

One of my favorite chapters was about the NEWT. It seems like the hike in the Alps would be exciting, challenging, and relationship-building (friends, nothing more). I appreciate the oneness that people can share with each other and with nature.

I would recommend this to anyone who is curious about Mark Haskell Smith's experiences, and anyone who is curious about both the pros and cons of this type of experience. If you are a super religious or judgmental person, you will not enjoy this book. I love me some Jesus, but not some human judgement.