A review by trenton_ross
Buffy: The High School Years - Freaks & Geeks by Yishan Li, Joss Whedon, Faith Erin Hicks


I really wanted to like this more then I did. I've always been a fan of the show and the continuing graphic novel seasons. I loved the idea of going back and revisiting the early days of Buffy's slayering in Sunnydale.

While I enjoyed the concept, I felt it lacked some of the trademarks that really made the show and even, to a lesser extent, the graphic novels special. There was some humor, and I appreciated that they focused more on the relationships then either action or grand apocalyptic drama, but there was a lack of the sharp, witty banter the show was known and loved for.

Secondly, I felt like the story wasn't able to accomplish any serious insight to the characters and their relationships. The brevity, only 70ish pages with little dialogue, was surely part of the reason for this. Buffy struggling to balance friends, dating, and her new role as slayer is a great subject and this could have potential to build on that. Though, as it stands it has been done before and better.

Finally, and this is more of a personal preference than a perceived flaw, I just couldn't get excited about the artwork. The manga influence was strong and I couldn't reconcile it with how I view the characters.

Enjoyable, but it needed, and I wanted, more.