A review by davidgilani
This Land: The Struggle for the Left by Owen Jones


This book is essentially Jones’s post-mortem for Corbynism. Why it was able to be born, it’s successes and strengths, it’s downfalls and problems. As it’s written by Jones, it comes from the perspective of a democratic socialist… and I think as long as you are as a reader then you’ll get loads of out the book.

If you don’t agree with the general policy agenda that was championed by Labour under Corbyn, then there will be loads in here that you struggle with. Jones only makes passing comments on policy… pointing out how they’re mostly all things that are popular with the public. I can see how some / many wouldn’t find that enough to go along with the rest of the book.

Overall, I found the book very inspiring. It made me want to think about what more I can do as a Labour member to support the party to win the next general. To learn the lessons that we need to learn from the Corbyn project.

I think the book is very fair - it sees the good in Corbyn, but also acknowledges the high expectations on the leader of a political party and how Corbyn was just not equipped in many areas.

It covers everything you’d want the book to cover: battles within the Labour Party, antisemitism, 2017 election, Brexit, the place for populism and how this originally helped Corbyn, but was then usurped by Johnson.