A review by overlyticklish
The Black Wolves of Boston by Wen Spencer


I’m soooo sad this is over!!!

But it was really fun!

I had a hard time getting into this, I actually started the first chapter and then didn’t read beyond that until a few months later.

What got me hooked was Decker’s perspective. The first time we get him as a narrator is chapter four:

“If Decker had known what adorable noises werewolf puppies made when distressed, he would have gotten one years ago.”

My heart just melted at that! Decker continues to say stuff like this that makes Joshua seem really way more cute than you could ever expect him to be, but it works really well.

I think besides Decker and Joshua, Elise was one of my favorites. She’s an angelic warrior woman. I’ve never seen angel warrior done quite like in this book, I really liked them. The way her magic works and the mythology behind the Grigori.

I would recommend this if you like paranormal or fantasy at all, there is a bit of romance as well but only a bit of it. This was a very unique take on paranormal creatures.

**I listened to the audiobook of this; I really liked the voices. For the bit of reading I did instead of listening I was totally reading it in the Elise voice from the audio.